Acceleration on the Strait Bridge, no more disputes – Politics

Acceleration on the Strait Bridge in the last draft of the maneuver with the expected reactivation of the Ponte Stretto Spa company and the possibility of Rfi and Anas to increase the capital up to a total of 50 million for the participation in the company. Among other things, pending disputes have been suspended.

From the entry into force of the law, in fact, “the pending civil proceedings with the general contractor and the other subjects entrusted with the services connected to the construction of the work are suspended. Within 30 days the Stretto di Messina company signs the complete waiver of the dispute “to complete silence of all rights and claims”.

“Within ninety days from the date of entry into force of this law – the article on the Bridge provides – the Company is authorized to sign with the administrations concerned, the general contractor, the other subjects entrusted with the services connected to the construction of the work and all the parties involved in the pending proceedings settlement deeds of reciprocal full waiver of the actions and acts of the same proceedings, definitive and complete acknowledgment of all rights and claims, as well as further mutual claims that can be enforced in the future in relation to the contracts signed.

At the expiry of the three months with decree of the President of the Council of Ministers “the settlement deeds are approved, regardless of the outcome of the settlement procedure, the liquidation status of the Company is revoked with consequent extinction of any pending proceedings. The liquidator remains in office as Extraordinary Commissioner of the Government for the ordinary management of the Company. Within thirty days from the date of entry into force of the decree, the shareholders’ meeting is convened to proceed with the appointment of the corporate bodies. The Extraordinary Commissioner lapses from the appointment of the corporate bodies.

In order to support the development programs and capital strengthening of the company, Rete Ferroviaria Italiana Spa and Società ANAS Spa are authorised, proportionally to the shareholding, to subscribe capital increases or various instruments, in any case suitable for capital strengthening, also in the form shareholder loan for a capital increase, up to a total amount not exceeding 50,000,000 euros”.